Peer Learning Activity in Barcelona

07 May 2024


Last month, our team from NCP had the incredible opportunity to join the SIRIUS 3.0 PLA (Peer Learning Activity ) in Barcelona. We attended the PLA with a special focus on Youth: Intercultural Education and Prevention of Discrimination, hosted by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. SIRIUS is the leading international policy network addressing migrant education. Supported by the European Union, SIRIUS serves as an advisor to the EU on migrant youth and education issues. SIRIUS brings key stakeholders together to develop and expand migrant education opportunities, and NCP was proud to act as one of those stakeholders at this year’s PLA.

Presenters included Antonio da Veiga Rocha (Mentoring programme), Laia Gomez-Franco Estrella (L’Associació MiRu, Mirada Rumiant), Pedro Casermeiro (Associació Cultural Gitana Rromane Siklǒvne), Bernat Jiménez (Prometeus School Programme), and Maria Sans (Superacció Association). These stakeholders brought invaluable insights to the table, shedding light on topics ranging from intercultural communication to empowering migrant youth while emphasizing the importance of equal access to safe and culturally aware learning environments. Their initiatives spanned from using visual art to explore identity, opening up dialogues with the government through policy briefs and research, and providing support systems for migrant youth facing poverty, social exclusion, and discrimination, which deeply resonated with our mission at NCP.

We also exchanged ideas and experiences with fellow attendees, including Hellenic Open University, the School of Humanities Program: Language Education for Refugees & Migrants, Network Educational Policy Centres, The International Association of Intercultural Education, and the research organization Risbo.

Throughout the PLA event, NCP representatives actively contributed to discussions, shared our insights, and participated in site visits to witness the implementation of successful practices.

NCP has strengthened its ability to support the migrant community, advocate for policy reform, and promote cultural diversity in Ireland through its collaboration with the SIRIUS network members attending the PLA Youth: Intercultural Education and Prevention of Discrimination.