
One of NCP’s Strategic Goals is to deliver targeted trainings that enhances the delivery of better services to people from migrant communities in Ireland and to promote cultural understanding in Irish society.
Please see below list of trainings that NCP has developed and currently implementing.

Cultural Awareness Training for Professionals:  

The Migrant Family Support Service (MFSS) delivers training to frontline service providers, on how to improve the cultural competence of their service delivery in child protection. MFSS also offers a one-day training programme for community leaders, pastors, imams, Sunday school teachers, Quran teachers and any other groups who may wish to avail.

Child Protection Training for Migrant Parents:

Another MFSS training that aims to raise awareness of Children First legislation and the communities’ duty of safeguarding children. The training is free of charge and is delivered in an interactive manner.
For more information about both trainings or to book a training session, please contact us by email: or phone (01) 872 7842.